How it all started

This project origin

Every time I tried to learn a new CAD software, I did it by modeling a drum pedal. It became a habit and a passion, where new ideas emerged on each new iterations.

Here are a few examples:

This is one of the first pedal I've tried to machine myself. The lever system is a combination of magnets and roller bearing, which is kind of a hybrid between the Trick Pro1-V and the Drumnetics.

Machined drum pedal with magnets

This other version (one of many) is a good example of what happen when someone discovers a new manufacturing technique. In this case, I had an internship in a business with a laser cutter and a few CNC press.

Sheet metal drum pedal with magnets

The problem with expensive machines

The problem is that at that time (starting in 2008), there was no easy way to build my ideas without having a lot of specialized machines. Most of the designs have never seen the day for this reason.

Here is a prototype I managed to make from combining sheet metal and machined parts. It was quite a challenge to get all the parts from the suppliers, and quite costly too. Since I didn't have a garage, modifying and iterating my design was quite complicated.

Sheet metal drum pedal with magnets

With 3D printing getting more and more popular, it gets interesting to adapt the previous design to this new manufacturing process.

The first versions were a proof of concept, and had many bugs to solve. Starting from the V4, I started using it on my main drum kit, replacing my older pedal.

The Goal

After talking with a bunch of drummers, I realized this project could interest more than just me. I decided to design it and share the source files so that anybody could make his own, and also improve it!

I'll be posting the files through this GitHub repository, where the root can be accessed from here. As you probably guessed, drum pedal is going to be only a small part of this open-source project. I'll share other projects, such as drum shells, cymbal stands, etc.

Open Source Drum Discord Channel

I'll be using this Discord Channel to share ideas and progress about these projects.

V1 - The first prototype

Open Source Drum Pedal V1

As this version was in a very early phase of the project, I haven't documented a lot of it. I knew this was going to be highly modified, thus haven't spent much time on it.


  • This is where is all began, a drum pedal made from 3/8" square extrusion tubes. These tubes we used to strengthen the board, there are two under the 1/8" acrylic plate. This same tube is also used for the beater.
  • The spring is hidden inside the frame. The tension can be adjusted using a knob.


  • There is a lot of plastic needed, and the printing time is quite high.
  • The tension knob is hard to access and difficult to rotate.
  • The 3/8" square extrusion tubes are very uncommon and are a poor choice in terms of cost.
  • Poor clearance for the feet.
  • Poor lateral stability.
  • No hoop clamps.

Open Source Drum Pedal V1

The source files are available on the GitHub Repo.